How To Give A Tantric Lingam Massage (The Multiple-Orgasm Technique For Men)

How To Give A Tantric Lingam Massage (The Multiple-Orgasm Technique For Men)


In a society that never takes a break from work or its busyness, it's essential to find time for oneself and let go. By far one of the deepest ways to achieve this is through tantric body massage. Not only is this ancient technique about getting physically comfortable; it is, rather, a journey of the spirit which unites sensual pleasure with mindfulness and profound personal connection. This guide shows how to give a tantric body massage, taking some time to prepare a sacred space, understanding the flow of energy, and using techniques whose immediate goals can assist one in achieving physical and emotional health. Subsequently, we will briefly touch on the term "two girl massage" to provide a comprehensive view of how this practice can be adapted for different contexts.

Understanding the Essence of Tantric Massage

Tantric massage fronts itself up against the Tantra, and Indian spiritual and philosophical systems going back 5,000 years. It is unlike conventional massages, being intended for the energetic field as well. The aim is to arouse kundalini energy that is lying dormant at the base of your spine and bring it moving throughout your body so that healing, relaxation and heightened consciousness may occur. It is this concept that allows "girl massage" to be fitted in, depending on individual choice and requirements.

The Philosophy Behind Tantric Massage

Tantric massage stems ultimately from a practice called Tantra, a spiritual system and philosophy that began in India over 5,000 years ago. Not just about the physical body like regular massages, tantric massage is also concerned with the energy fields surrounding it. Its objective is to awaken kundalini energy which is asleep at the base of our spine and steer that life-giving current throughout our entire physical systems, thereby promoting healing, release from tension and increasing our consciousness.

The Role of Sensuality and Mindfulness

In a tantric body massage, sensuality and mindfulness are crucial. It is a matter of being present at the moment, for both the person giving the massage and the person receiving one. Every contact, every breath, every movement is designed to allow energy to flow unimpeded and to create deep rapport between the two people concerned. This is where "girl massage" comes in, exploring how best to customize each way for individual needs and tastes.

Preparation for 'The Sacred Space'

Making Room for Peace and Relaxation

The environment in which a tantric massage occurs is just as important as the massage itself. Pick a quiet, restful place free from disturbance to start with. Put out the lights, light aromatherapy candles and play soft music that soothes the spirits. As lavender or sandal wood such redolent substances may be brought into service-mediums for refresh other lives within an atmosphere of sacrosanctity can also exist such existences all too soon seem entirely lost without these.

Introducing the Session with Ritual

Rituals are essential in tantricism massage, they are actually a vital part of preparing the mind and body for massage. Start by cleansing the space, perhaps with sprigs of sage burning, or use a smudge stick. This will help to clear any negative energy and set the intention of a positive session. You could also do one mode of meditation or your favourite breathing exercise with the person whom you are giving the massage and this will help both parties relax, be present.

How to Massage a Exponential Energy Body Up Close

Using Light Finger-Tips

The point of a good, satisfying tantric massage can be attributed to the gentleness with which one touches. Begin by wetting your fingertips and gently caressing the recipient's body. You're not trying to press hard but rather just wake up the skin, make it more sensitive and alert. Don't omit areas that are often overlooked -- behind the neck and ears, on the inside of the wrists-- you want to arouse them too from their customary sleep.

Incorporating Long, Flowing Strokes

As the massage continues, get a feel for long, flowing strokes that draw energy evenly throughout the body. Use your entire hand, including your palms and fingertips, to slide over the skin. This way you're not only distributing kundalini energy, but also helping create a feeling of wholeness throughout the body. Give particular attention to areas where tension tends to accumulate, such as the shoulder blades, small of the back, big muscles in the buttocks and thighs.

Because A tantric body massage is loaded with the very essence of sensuality, it is very important that one embraces this aspect without feeling rushed or pressed for time. Warm oils: Using warm oils will help to enhance the feeling of touch when massaging somebody. You should move slow and precise in your movements. Build and sustain energy both during your massage and afterwards. This is where the keyword "girl massage" comes in, and there's no such thing as “guy massages”. In practice, tailored experience means that to provide a fulfilling session, one has need of understanding different preferences. Power of Breath and Sound

Breath Control

Breath is the key in tantric practice, to glue mind, body and spirit together. This exclusive explains how as the masseuse/giver of the massage you must harmonize your breath with that of your subject. Tell him gently to take deep, slow breaths and massage his different areas with the flow of your voice to maximize relaxation instead of rap "Street Academia". This way there is a mutual atmosphere filled with harmonious energies for both people.

Using Sound to Help the Tantric Experience

Sound is a further element which can greatly enhance the sensations offered by tantric massage. Gentle moans, sighs as well as chanting may actually help to release tension and bring a greater sense of connection. As the receiver becomes more relaxed, they may spontaneously begin to make utterances that sum up their mental and physical state. This is a good indication that the massage is working on a deeper level.

The Closing Ritual

Sealingthe energ As you prepare to bring the tantric massage to an end, it is very important to seal the energy which has been built up during the session. This can be done by you placing your hands on the receiver's heart and abdomen and imagining that the energy being generated is being absorbed into these areas. Take a moment to give thanks-for silence as well, if you like.

Give the gift of space

after massaging, leave time quiet voice to reflect you. Suggest the person stay in the relaxed state they have reached perhaps meditate or for a few minutes more just lie there quietly

This allows the energy to settle and integrate itself into their bodys enhancing lasting benefits from your efforts.

Adapting Tantric Massage to Adapt to Different Situations

Knowing Individual Preferences

Every person is unique, therefore their needs for a tantric body massage will all be very different. No matter if you are pandering to the “guy massage” type or for something else entirely, to communicate openly and ensure that what they receive meets with their needs. Sometimes this might mean adjusting pressure, putting sight onto specific parts of the body or also introducing individual rituals which speak especially loud for them.

Respect Limits

Although a tantric massage is a very intimate thing, it is necessary to respect the boundaries of who you are giving it to. Consent and communication are essential so that both parties can enjoy a fulfilling experience. Make sure that the person receiving the massage feels comfortable and is really on board with their receiving your work before you do anything else.


More than just a physical experience, a tantric body massage is a self-seeking one that also heals and awakens. By understanding the principles of tantra and creating sacred space and using techniques that increase both sensuality and mindfulness, you can give a massage that is really transformative. Whether you are giving a “girl massage” or adapting the session for another person, it is the effort of being there in person, being tuned into what is in his heart and treating everyone with respect that counts most. With this practice, you can help yourself and others to reconnect their bodies, minds and spirits in ways that are more thoughtful and connected.


Hammad Rafique

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